Quest - sorcerer of the MAJI - recover the Forgotten Codex - upgrade enhancement skills passive

it cannot be done , when you go into the main big room, not too far from the main entrance, there are about 300 monsters all in a bunch, running after you and the come out the walls and doors.
so forget about that, really not feasible and is really not like the real diablo.
Ciao, se parli di un dungeon puoi indicarmi quale?
Vorrei provarlo grazie
The Dungeon is doable, clearing the mobs that is not the quest side though.
It took me an hour to as there is ALOT & I mean ALOT of mobs and as such a metric 'S@#T' tonne of Loot.
Class Quests aren't implemented yet.
Pretty sure the quest completion unlocks your 1st Enhancement Slot, but it is already unlocked by default.
As for the Dungeon, see the image for name and location.
Happy Gaming 😁
Perfetto la mia build è studiata per le grandi masse e quindi mi fa piacere provare.
Ti confermo che le specializzazioni di classe non sono funzionanti ma lo saranno.
Ok, è il dungeon che faccio già....
Nei sotterranei è veramente ricco, ma non si può comunque completare ancora
thank you sir !
Prego grazie a te