Opinion: Dungeons

Demiverse#9586Demiverse#9586 Administrator
edited December 2023 in News

Hello, Wanderers!

While holidays are approaching, we keep working relentlessly on new project updates. One of the most anticipated among them is full functionality of Dungeons. These constantly shifting labyrinths harbor many wonderous treasure and artifacts, which would be of great help in your journey through Sanctuary.

However we could always use more creative ideas, and would like to ask our community: which new design traits and mechanics would you, personally, like to see in our D4R Dungeons, to make them more interesting to engage with compared to original game?

Post your suggestions under this news. Authors of best ideas here will get a month of Reflection Plus status for free, not to mention opportunity to make a long-lasting contribution to our project!


  • подземелья на скорость прохождения.кто прошел быстрее бонус.награды и т.п

  • ghalbhar#3238ghalbhar#3238 Moderator
    edited December 2023

    Hi everyone, I made the first proposal on the discord channel, here I publish my second idea. The presence of the butcher (unique elite) could be included to complicate the difficulty of the dungeons.

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