Sorcerer's skill cost too much mana!

From the beginning, mana cost 38.and i ues these:
I start to play,After a while, i got this
i only have 103 mana and i can't spell any skill, When I left the game and re-entered, everything was back to normal.
"When I left the game and re-entered, everything was back to normal."
when Helltide what can i do?
Google, please.
you mean this not a bug?
What's the bug? You asked, I answered.
mana cost 142.this is not a bug???
When you quit the game and re-entered it, everything went back to normal.
Have you asked to other players that play sorcerer?
Maybe something doesn't work properly, but if i have understand, Frozen orb skill is too expensive in mana?
Let's check
A friend of mine uses necromancer and found the same problem.
I'm am an Expert necromancer.....
For necro you have to set Essence restoring skill....
Mage is a different class....