i need download link for torrent diablo 4 please

i need download link for torrent diablo 4 0.7.0 please
the one on reflection is so slow and in the end dose not work
6 days downloading i have 500mb/s down speed
it hurts
please help🙇♀️
i need download link for torrent diablo 4 0.7.0 please
the one on reflection is so slow and in the end dose not work
6 days downloading i have 500mb/s down speed
it hurts
please help🙇♀️
Feel free to surf the forum as the link are available here.
Torrent file: https://d3reflection.org/files/D4R_ENRU.torrent
Diablo 3 link bro tks
brother it didnt work code 397006
⭕️ Error 397006
Error 397006 usually means that something blocking the connection between you and the server. The issue is on your side.
Most likely causes of 397006 are either something preventing operations on .exe file during launch (usually antivirus), or client has been "repaired" to retail state before launch (usually by running wrong exe file even once)
Also, it could be your ISP, Router, external software, firewall and/or Windows settings or OS itself. There isn't a universal guide or fix for that issue. Each case is unique.
Simple recommendation on possible solutions:
I need a new update link to it.
If possible, please send the torrent link
It's integrated in Launcher
Actual torrent link is inside the launcher under the movie.
We are not responsible for links to third-party resources and do not guarantee the performance of files downloaded from them. They may also contain malicious software.