Can't Log in at all after lauch and i am get Errors codes

so i downloaded the game form skidrow then i put got the launcher install the launcher did the thing to select the game then check for files and everything
now when i want to start the game opens but i am show different error codes like (Code 396022) all related to server not found or something on that lines
am i missing something? have i done something wrong? i didn't download the game from the launcher because it was TOO SLOW like torrent is slow but launcher is way slower, can somebody help me with this?
edit: when i check for files now it seems to never end, not sure if servers are down or something is wrong with my launcher, i got everything installed and downloaded today.
We have updated to the new client version.
Please update your game through the launcher.
Updated to the new client version and cant login to the servers :(
I download the game and i cant login
I'm getting the same error with unable to login.
Check files in launcher is saying Repairing and it is repairing lot of GBs of data!
What is going on? How many data it needs to repair? Whole game?
ok i got the preload i assume then untill the patch is out i will not be able to play, i will comment again if after the patch is out im still unable to play
I got to redownload full game from launcher (85GB!) and only then it started to work somehow. Still, the server is unresponsive sometimes and need to completely restart launcher and game again.