Possible fix to black screen on game start

I don't know if this will work for everyone, but I was having the permenant black screen when I tried to start a game since the new client. I went into options->social and turned off cross platform play and chat and since then I haven't had a problem.
edit: I turned off "Cross-Network Play" and "Cross-Network Communications" at the top of the Social tab on the options menu when you hit escape.
This doesn't seem to work for me. Tried with both World Tier 1 and 2. Downloaded and installed the game and the launcher 3 times now still black screen after the update. Any solutions? Mods?
the same issue here. several characters can not enter the game after R.1.1.0. The black screen after clicking start button with both W. T.1 and T.2 . I've tried many times and the same result. low lv. character can enter the game btw.
same for me my lvl 50 chars cannot enter on any world. only creating a new char helped so far.
If you can enter the game with a new character but can't enter with old ones:
Please provide names for those characters and your battletag (it can be found in the launcher, right top corner, something like username#0000)
the names are Cycros, Cyc and battle is MKUN83#7466
I already mentionded about this too. mine is SEGI214U#7625
Old ones which 50. levels can not enter the game but low level characters. It's not world Tier problem. I tried many times both.
attached above. my characters name= SkyNec, SkySocc, SkyUp, SkyDruid, CartoonMon. They all have the same issue. Thanks for your time .
KobaY, Akinal#5114. Lvl50 Rogue.
Hi same problem battletag SHADOW93#3507 Nick Shadow .
Temporary work around is to create new account and start from scratch if all your characters are not able to enter. That's what I did.