graphic bug with dodge button and graphic bug for cinematic

hi everybody.there some time (most time) i dodge to get away from attack or go faster on the map the character get stuck in the graphic .
for the cinematic ,when i press the quest element befor the cinematic,the element stay on the screen during the cinematic and the cinematic got graphic bug with lylith in the ground and his head out or a black screen and all...pretty bad. hope you can fix it soon so i can really enjoy your crack work ^_^
so do i
This is a known issue.
With cinematics, it's not a priority issue but should be fixed at some point in the future.
Regarding dashes and falling off in the texture/stuck in the texture, this is a more complicated issue and devs will fix that as soon as they can.
Tho While it's good news: that Dash is being worked on😎
it's also Note worthy~ That this isn't just isolated to only Dash~ It can occur during the use of Certain (If not most Necro) Skills (At least)
Just putting it out there- As I'm not trying to be rude or anything~ While it's bad to have more cases of bad "Collision-Detection" from a Gamers perspective~ It can sometimes help to look at similarities~ To narrow down "the Root-Cause" as a Programmer~ By comparing Events
(Just Explaining My reasons for butting in)