Update 1.0.3

- Slightly changed equipment strength calculation for profile and ratings on our website.
Note: outdated items no longer count towards this rating. Socketed Paragon Glyphs count now has less impact on rating than Glyphs level.
- All ratings have been updated with these changes.
Note: to fully re-calculate your character rating, you still have to enter the game on that character at least once.
- Health potion charges now correctly drop in the Pit.
- Fixed issue with incorrect Neathiron rewarding after the Pit completion.
- Rune shards required to enter the Pit can now be obtained from Helltide and Bounty chests.
Seasonal Mode
- Seasonal mode rotation preparations have been made. As mentioned before, all Seasonal characters will be migrated to Eternal Realm with their items and resources at 25th July.
Note: Seasonal stash contents can be retrieved from a separate stash tab in Eternal Realm. Items not retrieved by the time of the next Seasonal Rotation (25th Aug) will be lost forever!
Please . korea language support. need subtitles.
We can not add languages to the client itself, if blizzard does not support Korean - we can't do anything.
If you meant translation of patch-notes -
Unfortunately, we don't have any moderators, developers, or staff who know Korean.
We have our patch-notes in Russian, English, China and Portuguese (the last two are available on our discord server).
Officially we support only English and Russian, all patch-notes that has been translated to another languages, is a volunteering job by our moderators.