Update 1.0.5

in Patch notes
- Fixed a bug that could cause equipment items of a certain type to not appear in random loot, depending on class.
- Pit and Nightmare dungeons are now correctly reset when the dungeon is reopened.
- Fixed a bug that could cause activation of errands that did not fit the current season conditions.
Seasonal Mode
- Fixed incorrect display of gates to Vaults in the Gate Hall. It is now possible to pass the Vaults after completing the storyline of the season.
Adjustments have been made to the chances of obtaining items and their quantity.
These changes are intended to reduce the "clogging" of the game space with loot and increase the convenience of the game at high levels.
- All gold received in the game has been doubled, but from ordinary and elite monsters it now falls 2 times less often.
- Slightly reduced the total number of drop items in loot from monsters.
- Normal (white) items now do not drop from monsters.
- In loot from elite monsters and bosses, you can now get a minimum of rare (yellow) items.
- The chance of getting legendary items from bosses has been significantly increased.
- The chest with an additional reward for participating in the world boss kill is now less frequent, but contains a guaranteed unique item. If it is opened by a character below level 35, a legendary item will be obtained instead of a unique item.
Class skills
- Legendary Aspects have been added: Burning Rage, Devilish, Earthquake, Fierce Winds, Giant Strides, Limitless Rage, Luckbringer, Skullbreaker.
- Fixed Fireball skill enchantment when dense groups of monsters die at the same time. Removed the limit on the length of possible chain reaction.
- Fixed Shatter talent when dense groups of monsters unfreeze or die at the same time. Removed the limit on the length of possible chain reaction and internal rollback.
- A unique item has been added in the game: Tal-Rasha's Iridescent Loop.
I have replied to you in discord already, please stop spamming messages here.
Hello I have just donwloaded the game. I could play a few hours yesterday with lot of bugs. (Enemies were invencible, side quests missings, portals do not activate, auto order inventary did not work.) But today main quests are blocked, teleports are gone from map, I have no horse anymore, everything is a mess.
I downloaded the latest version from this web via torrent. I do not know why are there so many bugs.
Am I the only one facing these problems?
Согласен! Вчера была лента наград ,сегодня уже нет. Нет информации когда начало и конец сезона, почему всё резко пропало и когда начало следующего. в Вечном торчу хотя вчера создавал персонажа на сезонку.
Please make sure to read latest news and at least a few patch-notes. Without these two basic things, of course you will not know how the D4R currently working.
Мы много раз уже говорили, и в новостях писали и отдельные посты в дискорде есть. Сезонный режим длится с 1 по 25 число каждого месяца. По окончанию сезона, персонаж переходит в Вечный мир. А для игры в новой сезонной ротации, нужно новый персонаж.
Please do not write in languages other than English in the English-language section of the forum.