Main Quest ACT I "Storming the Gates" Bugged

Hello, there is a bug when it comes to teleport to "Mourning Shore". It teleports to Kasama instead.
Kasama is the previuous room so I am in circles all the time.
I read that the game is made from scratch so I only post here not with bad intentions but only to get know by admins about this issue.
Hello, Kurtz. I'm stuck too... Same problem here. Do have any tip to how solve this? Thanks.
Hello sir,
It is the last quest that you only have to kill one final boss so I skipped it and started with the act 2 missions directly.
Until it is fixed, this is the most commendable solution.
Greetings!! See ya in game!
Did it work?
Thanks for the tip, sir. Infortune, i have already complete the chapter 2 and 3 and the chapter 1 still bad... Do you have any progress? Thanks for the answers.
Greetings from Brazil o/
See you!
Same issue, any update?