D4 Reflection 2.0: Pre-download

D4 Reflection 2.0 update is just a little bit away! While our team is hard at work preparing the game's servers for the launch of one of the biggest updates, we want to share the new game client, which will become the main client by the time the update is installed.
You can pre-download the new 2.0.3 version client via this Torrent file:
Pre-downloading will allow you to enter the game immediately after the update installation is complete, without waiting for a long download. We would like to remind you that, in any case, updating the game client version on D4R will require its full re-download, and the client of the official version of the game will not be suitable for playing on our project.
The update itself, aside from the VoH add-on content, contains a colossal amount of fixes and general improvements to the core gameplay, from the combat system, skill work, player minions and animations, to item enhancement work, itemisation, and reward balancing!
A full description of all changes will be published when the add-on starts installing on the 25th of October, right after the end of the seasonal rotation. Stay tuned!
May I ask where the server is located? The ping value is very high when accessing from China. If using VPN, where should I choose the acceleration service?
Server is located in Russia, Moscow.
Wouldn't it be a solution to set up the servers for D4 Reflection via Content Delivery Network (CDN) to reduce the pings?
Actually, it will. But find a suitable CDN with a reasonable price and without bandwidth restriction is not that easy. We already thinking about it for a good 3-4 months.
im using bittorrent 7.11 to download this D4R 2.0 but the download speed is too slow.. Just 1mb/s. Any suggestion for increasing this (ofc for free using)
After clicking on 'Repair and Check', all files on the computer disappeared?
The torrent doesn't work, first time I try to open the torrent file it opens my torrent client and then nothing and if I try it again with the torrent client open it says I can't download duplicates, I tried re-opening the torrent app, I tried restarting my pc, I tried using the torrent file from the launcher, same thing, I thought it could be a problem on my end so I tried downloading other stuff but they worked just fine, it's just this that it has a problem with, if it matters I'm using deluge.
I log in to the game, I press create a new seasonal player, I create a character, but I get an error 30008.
Is the game currently not available for seasonal players?
Season does't start yet.
Creating a new character displays error 403!
please help, what can I DO
The new character class is only available to R+ subscribers.
How to avail R+ subs and how much
Buy on our website in the "Store" section.
thank you