Gems stuck on chest number 5

Hello, can anyone please help me? The said gems are blocking 11 vault slots.... and Id like to have them back lol
Hello, can anyone please help me? The said gems are blocking 11 vault slots.... and Id like to have them back lol
The same happened to me. Cannot use the gem i saved before the update 2 0. It seems the gem location is in inventory now and no longer in stash. It's a strange situation i know. Therefore i'm buying the gems i need again.Furthermore after the last 2.0.1 update my alt character , spiritborn level 10 has disappeared. I submit the problem, still waiting for an answer.
I found a solution. I thew the gets that were in the chest in the floor, and then picked em up lol. Now I have em back :)
Great! I' ll give it a try
Sorry for the typos. It works
Yes it works, i tried everyrhing but your trick gave my gems back finally 👌
By the way, which class are you? So we could meet. I am barb,, my char has always been very powerful, even more with 2 0 upgrade, if you take a look at rankings, i am at 2th place now " Bonebreaker" they update it eveyday, tomorrow i'll be at first place .
wow Im Sorcerer, Nice to meet. you!
In game ZHARIAH. I play freestyle, ergo, I dont read much et all about the game like I used to, so Im sure Im weak lol. I take me like half an hour to kill a pit lvl 45 boss.
PS: I dont know literally anyone ingame lol.... Im always solo
gametag fstonucci
Me too i always play solo..But as barbarian a lot of request to join me, sometimes i help sometimes not......
Yes i've seen you in top 100 ranks (all classes) you are at 6th , i'm just Behind you ,(7th).
While in barbarian top 50 ranking i am at first place today.
Cool! Im such a crazie that i dont even know where the rankings are.
They raísed the dificulty on world bosses severelly. We could help each other. Yesterday I almost couldnt kill it (alone) at penant lol
If you wanna see the ranking just go to d4r webpage just subscribe and you are in. I use The same login data used in game.