Bug Reports

Demiverse#9586Demiverse#9586 Administrator
edited July 2023 in [D3R] Bug Reports

Here you can share the bug you found


  • I can't do the story quests or the sides, I just walk around the map with the mobs. My character sometimes falls into the ground, in addition to the npc's that don't interact. Thanks for the attention.

  • Currently only first act is available to complete. Side quests are not implemented yet. In our discord channel you may find a google document with working/non-working side quests.

    Further patches will bring more in-game mechanics and content.


  • I can't finish "The Spirit Well" quest in act V, when in pandemonium fortress 1 "talk to Tyrael" validates but not "Spirit Well"... then I can go in Pandemonium fortress 2, but as "Spirit Well" is not checked there is no portal to go further...

    So far I can't access Adventure mode because of this.

  • Same here. Stuck at this black screen. Tried Tier 1-2, downloaded, redownloaded, reinstalled, checked settings nothing works. Was working before updates. Any solutions to this?

  • downloading game 0.91 0.25 MB/s

  • edited August 2023

    Monsters not attacking example: TUr dulra. Their moving back and fort instead when I attack them. Using Range Rogue character.

  • bug at quest "exhuming the forgotten"

    someone can help?

    I can't move on to the next door.. it opens up a space, a galaxy on the side.. I have the latest version of the game and my video drivers are up to date

    link of the bug image > https://imgur.com/44M3G1B

    thanks for any help;...

  • Wrong password or account doesn't exist! выдает постоянно при попытке входа в лаунчер,на сайт вхожу без проблем,подскажите способусьранения данной проблемы

  • Technically not a bug but missing d3 development:

    In act2 (desert) most dungeons and cellars are traps because you cant get out of them (except for town portal, but then you need to walk all the way back).

    Also you cant talk to the wounded (sidequests, soul cages, ...) or activate any lifts (chests out of reach).

    So aside from the mainquest there is almost nothing you can do in act2 (so far, the game just closed itself while i was in the kitchen...btw, this is an annoying bug, whenever i do nothing for a few minutes the game closes itself without any reason or message)

  • A volte, quando elite nemici lanciano skill vento gelido, il gioco va in blocco.

    Sembra succeda solo con quella spell, farò più attenzione e magari una foto, mi è successo 3 o 4 volte.

    Il personaggio sparisce con tutti i mob e la mappa, puoi navigare nel menu ma non si può giocare

  • Prima del rilascio dell'aggiornamento 0.6.2, il mio personaggio a volte moriva visivamente, il corpo con urla selvagge in convulsioni veniva lasciato a battere a terra e lo spirito invisibile continuava ad attaccare i mostri e muoversi normalmente sulla mappa.

  • Si esatto è iniziato solo dall'ultimo aggiornamento

  • error403#7099error403#7099 Member
    edited October 2023

    normal enemies have more health than the bosses i can kill the boss in 5 sec but the enemies take 1 min lol plz balance that cant even do tier 2 world because enemies have way too much health unlike the real game

  • Balance will be put in place after developers code core stuff of the game.

  • legendary items drop rate is very low i dont get nothing at all

  • Dipende da dove vai a cercare.... abbiamo aperto dei topic che spiegano

  • lastatin#9022lastatin#9022 Moderator
    edited January 6

    Ask DarkSoul.

    You enter wrong mail or password.

  • Hey so i was playing with my friend and we found out that mirror image was not working as it was supposed to, is this a bug??? because i can't find any patch notes stating this change if it was one

    we need help with this pls

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