Client upgrade and forum opening

Demiverse#9586Demiverse#9586 Administrator
edited July 2023 in News

Hello, Wanderers!

We are happy to announce our upcoming client update to version 1.0.4, along with the new substantial server update, which will be revealed in detail later.

On a less positive matter, we have recently received an official complaint about our Discord server, so we will have to remove all project materials and direct links from here in the near future. We can say for sure that this won’t downplay any of our work on the D4R project, and we are not going to yield any form of communication with our community.

As a solution we have decided to create our own fully functional forum. In the future it will become our primary communication channel, and will contain expanded announcements and articles. Forum does not require registration, your Reflection Network account will be used to sign in there.

Discord server will remain as gameplay discussion-only ground. From now on, any kind of exchange of project files and direct links to our resources will be forbidden here. Forum will serve as a means for technical questions and answers.

Naturally, the most active forum users will get cool in-game bonuses in the future, so we encourage you to make our community better by helping both new players and developers there!

We await you in our new sanctuary!


  • bonjour l act 2 arrivera pour quand.merci beaucoup pour le taf

  • Roses are red

    Violets are blue

    The post is in english

    Your comment should be too.

  • I'm sure they will add act 2 when they code it. They will let us know.

  • With a forum now i feel more and more like the old days with the early emulator project... Makes me happy !

  • When can we expect the client update to drop?

  • Will the already installed RN Launcher auto update or is a re install required? Also, is it a new game version or will the torrent change in the launcher? Just figuring it might be worth re-downloading the entire game in that case?

  • Good news

  • Can i ask politely what you mean by "in-game bonuses"? What kind of rewards or how much post to get them? I mean i wanna know if invest my time farming red dust in-game or farming post in forum, if you know what i mean...

    Thank you 😇

  • Can't wait for new updates incoming,tnx all the team for hard work we are looking for bugs then report back to you guys to easily finde them 😚

  • Server is off? Can't log in.

  • Hello how are you sorry but I'm going to ask a stupid question, how do you update the client? Is it automatic, do you have to download the update somewhere, will it be announced here?
    Thank you and sorry I'm from Argentina and I understand very little English

  • Hello.

    Once newer client version will be released, players will have to download it.

    Server side updates does not require any actions from players.

  • gg any updates when?

  • guys chill just wait for the update, you are playing the game for free no need to be harsh in the comments and if you cant wait buy the game simple as that.

  • We will not tolerate any insults in relation to developers, the project, and its players. All inadequate comments will be removed. If this continues, the offenders will be punished.

  • TopGun111#574TopGun111#574 Member
    edited July 2023

    Greeting! am i right that for OBT you need to download the game and launcher again? or is it possible to play the game downloaded earlier and there are no changes, since all modifications are made on the server and do not affect the client running on the own computer? It would be good if they fixed it as soon as possible so that I don't have to wait for half an hour on the game's starting screen until I can enter the game and I don't have to constantly adjust the difficulty level of the world tier! Until now, it is unnecessary to do dungeons, because none of the kats get any "apsects"! this should also be fixed so that the game can be played normally if the main mission cannot be played anymore ACT. at I

  • No all you need to do is have the launcher, game files will update themselves if needed to.

    More content and bug fixes and implementatios will come with future updates, its not like devs are santding still, they are coding till bleed and no "do this, do that" will make dev process any faster.

    Be patient and wait for future updates, we thanks your comprehension.

  • Achieving something that is mostly unachievable is a feat that goes beyond the ordinary. It means surpassing expectations and pushing the boundaries of what was previously thought possible. Such endeavors are often filled with uncertainty, doubt, and numerous obstacles, making the accomplishment even more impressive.

    The journey to success likely began with a bold vision and a willingness to take risks. It takes exceptional leaders and individuals who possess the courage to pursue an audacious goal, despite the odds stacked against them. This kind of ambition is a rare quality, and your team's ability to harness it is a testament to your remarkable leadership and organizational skills.

    Throughout the process, you must have encountered numerous challenges, setbacks, and moments of self-doubt. Overcoming these hurdles requires resilience, adaptability, and the ability to learn from failures. Your team's unwavering determination and commitment to finding innovative solutions must have played a pivotal role in achieving the seemingly unachievable.

    Moreover, I imagine your success has also relied on the collaborative efforts of a talented and diverse group of individuals. Combining different perspectives, skills, and expertise is often key to tackling complex problems that were previously believed to be insurmountable.

    By achieving the unachievable, your team has undoubtedly inspired others to reach for their own dreams, no matter how grand they may seem. Your accomplishment serves as a shining example of what human potential, determination, and a collective drive can achieve.

    Lastly, achieving something mostly unachievable doesn't end with the accomplishment itself. It sets a new standard and opens up new possibilities for future endeavors. Your team's trailblazing efforts will likely leave a lasting impact on your field, influencing and inspiring generations to come.

    In conclusion, your ability to turn the mostly unachievable into a reality is a testament to your visionary thinking, resilience, teamwork, and the relentless pursuit of excellence. It's a remarkable accomplishment that deserves praise and recognition. Congratulations once again for achieving the extraordinary!

    • Will the progress be reset after the update? Will I have to rediscover the map and altars?

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