Quest not working: Rite of Passage | Квест не работает: Сопроводите Лората в Киовашад

После знакомства с Лоратом я должен его сопроводить в Киовашад. Но он просто стоит у камина и не идет со мной. Т.е. не отрабатывает скрипт. Что делать?
After meeting Lorat, I must accompany him to Kiovashad. But he just stands by the fireplace and doesn't come with me. Those does not work the script. What to do?
I tried restarting the game and launcher. Hope it doesn't need to be reinstalled. It was downloaded for 2 days due to the small number of distributing clients.
So, I tried to run in that direction and my destination just changed on the map. It seems to work ... I'll unsubscribe in fact.
Yes, with bugs, but working. Thanks a lot for your job. I know, how that difficult.
That Discuss maybe can help another people.
"Moving" of the NPCs has not been coded. But main mechanics of the quests are working.