[Q&A] Grim Favors? Any Advice (Yes: 5!)

When it comes to Grim Favors~ There are some Questions~ I've been wondering about~ Or if it really is just Me being unlucky in " the Range of Randomness "
Some Questions would be for example:
- Does the Timer matter as in~ Is there like a certain Time left I should look out for
- Any Grim Favors~ That are not " Active "
- Anything I should keep in mind (Avoid or Remember... etc )
These are some of the things~ That should be shared in the community ? No?
Summary so far, Short version?~ Read the Bold only (Per suggestions by the Submitted information, Below):
- Wait with Favors~ At least Until You have completed the Story~ Then the following Quest(s): The Whispers of the Dead (Part1) and/or completed the Quest: World Tier 3: Nightmare (Part2)~ As Nightmare! Seems to have a Higher Chances for Them to work~ Try focus on: Red-Urns (Image below) & the Timers at least 43 Mins left (43 to 25 mins left)~ Watch out: As spending Favors is done After clicking the Tree~ The main goal? from 10 Favors is ultimately:Legendaries
Submitted (Sorted by Prioraty):
- ghalbhar#3238: To run the Cellars: You have to Start" the Whispers of the Dead " Then follow the the radius of the Quest itself ~Translated (don't hesitate to Correct Me, if wrong)
- CvX#957: Grim Favors in Nightmare World Tier? Seems more likely to Work then World Tier: 1-2! Even if this is just a feeling~ It will still feel somewhat less tedious in the long run
- CvX#957: Time doing Favors is best spent hunting Harvests or as I call Them: Red~Urns (Image below)~ As it is now? The lucky chance is slightly higher as with Cellars~ They are also worth a lot more: When They do count~ Besides? Taking a Gamble on Events while being at it? Is a Bonus in My book~ Since They tend to be nearby
- CvX#957: After collecting 10 Favors~ Will have Them being spent When You click, the Tree of Whispers~ Not~ When You selected a gift!
Unconfirmed (Theoretical)
- CvX#957: Timers = Latency dependent~ This helps putting Me~ In a frame of mind that: if lets say 43 Mins left? Then I may have finally received the correct information~ Because the closer to 50 mins left? Could show wrong details~ Whilst closer to 0? It's more likely to have been Completed by someone else
1) non sei l'unico ad aver avuto difficoltà in questo
2) ho cercato di fare il possibile per aiutare ed a mia volta ho ricevuto aiuto.
Vai nel campo delle missioni prioritarie grigie.
Devi prima finire la missione in caldeum.....cantine mostri uccidi tutti ma va fatta nella zona indicata dalla missione
Thank You ghalbhar#3238 so much~ I'll add that to the Thread in just a moment
EDIT: Hope I got the Translation correct
Quando l'ho dovuta fare io spesso dava 3 punti ripulendo nella piazza più grande (luogo dove c'è l'assalto).
Le cantine sono il metodo più veloce, se trovi i mob.
Ricordati che per questa volta solamente dovrebbe i favori vanno raccolti solo entro caldeum.
Dimmi se hai ancora bisogno
Thank You~ I made it through thanks to Your Advice~! 😎
Now I'm exploring Nightmare & Having fun~ It's almost like: a New-Game+~ In some ways
This feels Way better then Diablo 3's World Tier changes~ Or it could just be because it's Open-World: Kinda hard to tell~ Since They are 2 different Games because of it~ After all
Bene....mi fa piacere.
Ti ho mandato un messaggio privato
Awesome~ I'll add it to the Post~ Just need to verify some details~ To keep it short
(Awesome! Having more People supporting These kinds of Threads)