Cave-Test (Dungeon-Test) Confirmed! (Is this meant to be here?)

- Location Undisclosed~ Asking for the Location will be ignored
- Pestering~ Will be Flagged for harassment: You have been warned
This is a huge Subject to talk about & I will Keep up updating it as much as possible
The point of all this is to see if this is something~ You may want to support the existence of? or not at all
- Test Dungeons Aren't suppose to make it into the Finished Game
- Nor do They grant any XP or Loot
- Nothing that changes the overall Game-Experience~ Are to be expected
- Cave-Tests are Not Cheats~ They are an In-Game feature like a Build-Planner~ Only In a Live-Setting
What it's are meant to do?~ Is to Test every Part of any Build and Play-Style: As to Force You~ To think Outside the Proverbial Box
Sadly enough? These Premium Quality of Life opportunities! Aren't as common as They truly should be~ They are useful in *Oh~ So many ways
This is a Mutual benefit~ As It will also help Reflection's work flow to become more efficient~ It would also Help Us, in sending Them Proper feedback~ on any & all Inconsistencies found: Screenies~ Videos or even Descriptions~ As the level of Detail would be far more vivid
Whether this Cave-Test: was intentional~ Meant to stay~ Or a Leak~ Or Meant to be Active during the Early stages
We can debate till the End of Time~ That is All besides the Point~ I'm trying make
The Point is: We All have a choice~ Now That it 's Discovered!
- Do We want this type of Content? Or Do We just ignore it?
Nothing is set in stone Until "Release"~ Aka. Caught up with the End of the Road-Map~ At some point in future
That also means~ Our voices May not even be Heard at all~ But We can at least chose: To make Our opinions known
Because? Removal of the Dungeon could become a reality pretty fast~ Depending on:
- If this "Dungeon" is just a temporary existence
- Replies or Reactions to this very Thread
But Thankfully~ Enough information of These Test-Dungeons are already Known~ For the most part
- Everyone can Access the content
- We & Devs~ Gain very useful Information through Practical means
- We & Devs~ Get to test Our Builds in a Dungeon Environment
- We & Devs~ Would all get proper feedback on Troubles found
- We & Devs~ Can tend to the Troubles in a more accurate manner
- We & Devs~ Searching for Improvements
That is Mutual in My book~ As Everyone wins
Blizzard has Probably thought of this as well~ Having a few "Dummies " or Test Mobs of sorts placed in the Official Game Probably for this very reason
- But That Doesn't offer an Entire Dungeons worth of "Real" information~ Not to mention~ Live Mobs with "Real" feedback
- The difference Between This and Blizzards? Lies within the Information itself
This Can be used to Determine great number of things:
- Does Your Build do something any other Classes cant?
- Can the Effect be sustained throughout A Dungeon
- Does it only work for the that Dungeon
- Are the Situations random
- Will it only happen Attacking a single Mob
- What happens during a large Group encounter
The above examples has Information that is Invaluable~ Something a normal Player has no easy Access to~ As to narrow down These specific Events for a Developer to use & Analize
- This Will Speed up the Patching of the Bugs & Glitches in Question
- Plus it Helps both sides~ Narrow down any and all Weaknesses & Strengths of the Build in Question
This could be a great Gift~ Or a very sad Lose~ One that We All can be thankful of having at least talked about~
- Am I the only one Who Loves to fool around with Crazy and Outrageous Builds?
- Finding things of Which~ Could help push any Game into Strange places
- Something of Which~ Could further set it apart from the Original Game
All the while~ Never once changing any Core-Features~ But strengthen what's already there
- Skill & Paragon resets
- Socket & gems~ Upgrading~ Aspects
- Training Dummies
- Tier-Dungeons [Not implemented] (Aka. Cheating Monsters /Joke)
The future? Would seem brighter~ With so much fun To be had~ Nothing promotes Crafting a Rewarding-Build like a Cave-Test~ To finally bind This Package in a nice, neat little bow
There are so many possibilities involved in this Concept~ Something Unique enough to at least consider
- If You read till the end~ You have My thanks already~ Take Care & have a wonderful Day~
Devo dire che ti dai da fare!
ghalbhar#3238: Hahaha~ That's actually funny 🤣~ I'm just simply used to this type of thing: If I can use it more productively~ Then Why not right? 😎
" Some people searches~ Others Writes " To each their own: "Sharing is Caring" 😗 (LoLz)