Legendaries and how to find Them

CvX#957CvX#957 Member
edited September 2023 in [D4R] Game guides


They are for many the End-Game of Diablo

For Me it's playing around with Them in builds


In order to properly find Them all~ You need to meet a handful of Requirements: The higher the better

But here are the Minimums to this Whole Slew of variables~ In this Obscene mess of an equation:

  • Finished Story
  • Level: 45+
  • World-Tier: 2
  • Kyovashad's Capstone #1~ The Cathedral of Light

These Minimum requirements: Are based on what I can safely suggest should World-Tier: 3

be out of Question for You

BUT I said it was messy didn't I?

The second part of Variables: Are the following Conditions: Once that Must be Meet

(In addition to the above: Req's)

  • Elites: Named Monsters
  • Damage taken
  • Healing
  • Deaths since Dungeon-Reset
  • Failed Drops of Legendary Loot

These are the ones I've played around with~ Some may not be entirely: Confirmed~ per se

But it's safe to presume to be possible after testing~ There are Always hidden information going on

While pushing a: Random Numbers Generator (Aka. RNG)

Now if You want the Maximum out of This calculation~ Then for the best chances? Look no further

  • Finished Story
  • Finished Quest-Chain#1: Whispers of the Dead
  • Finished Quest-Chain#2: World-Tier 3: Nightmare
  • Finished: Kyovashad's Capstone #1~ The Cathedral of Light
  • Level: 70+ (Preferably 73)
  • World-Tier: 3
  • No.1: Hell-Tides
  • No.2: Favors
  • No.3: Obals

As for the Conditions of the Maximum? They remain Pretty much the same~ With some Additions and some Divisions

  • Elites: Named Monsters
  • Speed of eliminating Elites: In succession
  • Evading special attacks
  • Damage taken
  • Healing
  • Deaths since Dungeon-Reset
  • Failed Drops of Legendary Loot

Now pay heed: Legendaries are meant to be tough drops~ They require: Patience & Clarity to be obtained

These wont fall into Your lap~ Not on These Tiers nor at this state of the game

" Keeping things tougher then needs be? Is what keeps things rewarding~ When it does arrive " -- It's the very Definition of: Achievement


  • In alcuni dungeon il tasso di drop sembra migliore.....oggi eseguo un test.

    Helltides non sempre lasciano leggendari purtroppo

    Albero dei sussurri ancora meno.

    Ma questo ha poca importanza, quando a tier 4 avremo gli ancestrali

  • The reason I haven't added Dungeons to any of the Conditions? Is because I haven't played enough to have an opinion~ But I have a guide in the making which includes Them all~ The sheer number of Them? Will make that a very Huge Guide~ Cupped with the text limits? Means I have to be creative

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