Descent Quest ACT 1

Is there a way to skip the Penitent knight step?

I get stuck every time after the cutscene, tried 7 times but to no avail.



  • Don't be lazy, search better on the forum topics and you will find the answer.

  • Hadeath#7942Hadeath#7942 Member
    edited February 2024

    I already had a look over the forums, the only search result is in russian, and it says "try again til it work" which in fact i did, and i always get stuck without being able to do anything.

    But ok, whatever dude.

  • I have the same problem. After talking to the knight I end up in a similar screen as shown by the topicstarter. I also found two russian articles where the same symptoms are described and i also tried to login into the game several times and re-enter the game but every time I get stuck at the same moment.

  • If you can't get past the pile, getting stuck in front of the stairs with an angel, then you don't have to try any further, but just re-enter.

    Also alternate the characters, play them in turn. It helps.

  • Howdy, here is my approach: firstly my Descent request displayed "Inspect Lilith’s Blood Petals", then I re-entered the place without destroying any Tumor of Hatred (because we have already done it previously), kept walking past Vigo and hit an invisible barrier at stairs, either tele out / back in or used evade to move pass the Tyraelish ghosts, and then I was able to move freely, followed by clicking inspection. I reckon you just need trying to get to the final stage place (a bit understanding how the program works). Hope it helps :)

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