Party members dissapearing when entering a new area

First of all, greetings from Argentina! Some friends and I discovered this server and have been playing D3 for a while, it has been a blast! We decided to try D4 as well, so once we finish D3 we can hop into it, however we are facing an issue.
We all reached Kyovashad, and we can see each other ingame just fine. However whenever we enter another area, we dissapear from each other screen while the map shows my friends far, far away, as if they were out of bounds. I noticed a few things as well:
- If we return to Kyovashad, we can see each other again
- Bug triggers again as soon as we try entering a new area
- Only areas with active missions trigger the bug. If we enter an empty area we can still see each other
I assume this is a bug in the current patch, but perhaps someone knows a workaround? So far we only reached Kyovashad, maybe we have to complete a mission or something?
Anyways, thanks for reading!
Although the cooperative mode has been introduced, it is still being finalized. Currently, it is not suitable for a co-op campaign, but only for endgame, except for dungeons.
Ahh I see. Do you perhaps have an ETA on coop campaign? Regardless if you do or not, thanks for answering!
Not as soon as you would like.