Update 0.7.1
in Patch notes
Cooperative Mode
- Fixed bugs with group, trade, and local chat channels.
Note that local chat works only with players close to each other in game world.
- Fixed a bug preventing party invitation at World Tier 3.
- Player badges in clans and friendlists will now show level, class and status correctly.
- A warning will be shown on attempts to invite same player to party multiple times.
- A warning will be shown on attempts to invite player to party, when that player is already a member of another party.
Game World
- Fixed a bug allowing Helltide start at World Tiers 1 and 2.
- Improved monster behavior and navigation, they are now less likely to get stuck at impassable locations.
- Fixed a bug causing player to be placed at impassable location when using a skill.
- Fixed loot drop sound effects.
muito brabo, nota mil!
Hello, last two days 0 crash.
The client Is more stabile and the loading are good.
Great work thank you
Have the class quests been added now?
Not yet. We expecting it pretty soon.
Hello world boss Will arrive soon or with the update next year?
Today, in this moment, it's really bad
It should be this month. Currently, devs are super busy with solving client issues (such as black screen).
Thanks you for the answer....
My feedback Is:
Today poor connection with the server (i Hope Is for your testing)
Two days before great
Poor? More like impossible. Blackscreen and lost connection right after logins, sometimes you can walk a few steps before you get kicked...and i dont need to be a tech to guess "*" in tracert results is even worse then the high numbers...
* 277 ms 380 ms pe16.Moscow.gldn.net []
397 ms * 200 ms
Yes i was a Little gentle...
For sure they are testing something
Either that or too many connections burnt the server down. The black screens and similar problems already hinted an overload, so they are either upgrading the hardware or it is dying. I lack the optimism they just play with the software and forgot to mention it in the news...
Black/infinity screens are a very complicated issues as some players do not really experience this (I personally don't have much problem with that). It's hard to say is it problem on players side (connection issue with ISP & other network/game client stuff). Is it server issue or server hosting?
So before you will put forward other "theories" (which are wrong) wait for info from the devs.
Unfortunately I also have the problem with the black screen.
I wanted to thank the team for all the great work you put into the server, thank you very much.
The problem grows every day, maybe you could ask the devs for a topic with server status updates to prevent us from speculating. Without the facts its only natural to develop theories to explain what the fuck is wrong.