When you select your character it looks like this. Any solution?

When I select my high lv chart the game has no print at the top. The second one works normally
Sometimes this also happens:
I tried everything. Create a new character, check files and nothing, I can't play with this character. PS: I was on the individual who can change the item's attributes and the game lost connection with the server
That issue should be fixed in 0.8 patch
Are you still unable to enter the game? If yes, please provide following things:
1) Character name that is "broken"
2) Link to your profile on our website (looks like https://d4reflection.org/account?name=testaccount-5684)
Once you provide that information, I will pass it to the developers team so they can have a look what happened.
I couldn't get in yet, I tried everything. Same problem always.
-Name character is Blackline
Hello, a month has passed and I tried everything to get the character back. I even formatted the computer. I still have the same problem with the same character
Did this happen after the enchantment of the item?
went to the store and exchanged item effects. Ex: 100% effect against elites, you try to exchange this for 150% luck
We couldn't figure out what happened to you. Is it about replacing the affixes on the item?
Describe it in more detail and attach screenshots.
Now you can't enter the character. It just says that I was disconnected from the server and a black screen appears. It was where charms were given to weapons and amulets.
Write the name of the character, the type of item (weapon, amulet, etc.) and which affix you tried to change right before the disconnect.
I'm not sure but I think the crossbow was the weapon
Ola Brackline, tudo bem? Esses dois problemas que você relatou tem duas possíveis causas, quais sejam, cliente errado, ou problema local de rede que é pouco provável. Verifica a se a versão do seu cliente está com o número ""( essa informação aparece poucos antes de carregar a tela dos personagens, caso o seu cliente seja inferior ao citado, baixe o novo no link https://d4reflection.org/files/beta/D4R_ENRU.torrent . Por fim, entre no discod que a comunicação fica mais rápida e eficiente.