Errore connessione

Ciao a tutti, ho seguito i passaggi per l'installazione, appena apro il gioco, tramite Reflection Launcher, il gioco prova a collegarsi prima a e poi mi dà errore 397006.
Ho provato a reinstallare il gioco e nulla, integrità controllata e si blocca.
Grazie a chi mi risponderà
Speak english please
Find this error code in the comments and follow the recommended steps.
I tried everything, but nothing, I saw some tutorial videos on YouTube, and I realized that while for me the words "connection to" appear before connecting, in the videos these people see nothing and they connect directly. This is the problem I can't solve
Try to connect via mobile (4G) internet. Problem is in your ISP.
I get the same error only on my Steam deck but on PC is working fine. Try many times still not work. Any help?
Currently, it is not possible to launch the game on Steam Deck. This will be fixed later. Stay tuned for updates.