Update 1.1.0


  • Fixed a bug allowing usage of the Master's Obelisk to access the Pit below World Tier 4.
  • Nightmare Dungeon Sigils now drop at World Tiers 3 and 4 without additional character level limitation (was level 55).


Significantly reworked item saving format, for all affixes and Aspects.

  • All item stats are now recalculated anew on entering the game.
  • Fixed non-working affixes on outdated and broken items.
  • Fixed bugs with calculating Masterworking bonuses.
  • Fixed incorrect calculation of standard affixes, and remaining cases of affix value deviation from in-game tooltip.

These changes will also significantly speed up upgrading to new game clients in the future.

Seasonal Mode

  • Completed preparations for upcoming season rotation.
  • Next season will be Season 2 (Season of Blood)

Note: players who purchased the Season 2 Battle Pass a few months ago will not lose access to it, and to Season Journey achievements, however, the level of the Pass will be reset.

Class skills

  • Fixed passive damage bonuses to flat damage of triggered subpowers, such as Barbarian Dust Devils, Barbarian Earthquake, Rogue Stun Grenades, and Rogue Arrow Storms. Bonuses found on Paragon Glyphs will apply correctly.
  • Channelling Skills no longer trigger "On Cast" effects multiple times.
  • Temerity Unique Item: internal cooldown increased to 8 seconds.


  • All implemented effects that alter skill tags beyond default rules will now function correctly. For example, Aspect of Ursine Horror now correctly makes Pulverize an Earth and Nature Magic skill.
  • Reworked all Druid skills, talents, implemented Aspects and Unique items to correctly interact with dynamically changing skill tags. Fixed minor bugs across all Druid skills.
  • Fixed Nature's Fury talent.
  • Fixed Resonance talent.
  • Lupine Ferocity talent will now show casts count above the skill bar.
  • Shapeshifting and its procs now correctly interact with effects that make more skills a Werewolf or Werebear skills.
  • Triggered free skills that require shapeshifting now respect global shapeshifting cooldown of 0.5 seconds. If shapeshifting is not possible at the moment due to this cooldown, the skill cast will be aborted.


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