is there any solution to be able to play couch co-op with this client version?
act3 is not complete
Здравствуйте, у меня вот какая беда при запуске лаунчера
что делать подскажите пожалуйста
after update launcher cant loging this masege ":there was a problem to finding servers aviable to ping (CODE 396022)" any ideas what i can do
didotk2#4679Aug 3, 2023after update launcher cant loging this masege ":there was a problem to finding servers aviable to ping (CODE 396022)" any ideas what i can do
not work same problem
after download of the updated client 1.1.0 i get this after file check and wanting to play
Check the link couple of messages above.
i chek it do everything and noting the same problem on last 2 screenshoots
I can't connect to d4reflection discord server. I am getting the error that this link has expired. Is there a solution? Do you have a working discord link?
I can't play :(
On screen: "Login error (error code #2)
is there any solution to be able to play couch co-op with this client version?
act3 is not complete
Здравствуйте, у меня вот какая беда при запуске лаунчера
что делать подскажите пожалуйста
after update launcher cant loging this masege ":there was a problem to finding servers aviable to ping (CODE 396022)" any ideas what i can do
not work same problem
after download of the updated client 1.1.0 i get this after file check and wanting to play
Check the link couple of messages above.
i chek it do everything and noting the same problem on last 2 screenshoots
I can't connect to d4reflection discord server. I am getting the error that this link has expired. Is there a solution? Do you have a working discord link?
I can't play :(
On screen: "Login error (error code #2)