[Q&A] Grim Favors? Any Advice (Yes: 5!)

CvX#957CvX#957 Member
edited September 2023 in [D4R] Game Discussion

When it comes to Grim Favors~ There are some Questions~ I've been wondering about~ Or if it really is just Me being unlucky in " the Range of Randomness "

Some Questions would be for example:

  • Does the Timer matter as in~ Is there like a certain Time left I should look out for
  • Any Grim Favors~ That are not " Active "
  • Anything I should keep in mind (Avoid or Remember... etc )

These are some of the things~ That should be shared in the community ? No?

Summary so far, Short version?~ Read the Bold only (Per suggestions by the Submitted information, Below):

  • Wait with Favors~ At least Until You have completed the Story~ Then the following Quest(s): The Whispers of the Dead (Part1) and/or completed the Quest: World Tier 3: Nightmare (Part2)~ As Nightmare! Seems to have a Higher Chances for Them to work~ Try focus on: Red-Urns (Image below) & the Timers at least 43 Mins left (43 to 25 mins left)~ Watch out: As spending Favors is done After clicking the Tree~ The main goal? from 10 Favors is ultimately:Legendaries

Submitted (Sorted by Prioraty):

  • ghalbhar#3238: To run the Cellars: You have to Start" the Whispers of the Dead " Then follow the the radius of the Quest itself ~Translated (don't hesitate to Correct Me, if wrong)
  • CvX#957: Grim Favors in Nightmare World Tier? Seems more likely to Work then World Tier: 1-2! Even if this is just a feeling~ It will still feel somewhat less tedious in the long run
  • CvX#957: Time doing Favors is best spent hunting Harvests or as I call Them: Red~Urns (Image below)~ As it is now? The lucky chance is slightly higher as with Cellars~ They are also worth a lot more: When They do count~ Besides? Taking a Gamble on Events while being at it? Is a Bonus in My book~ Since They tend to be nearby
  • CvX#957: After collecting 10 Favors~ Will have Them being spent When You click, the Tree of Whispers~ Not~ When You selected a gift!

Unconfirmed (Theoretical)

  • CvX#957: Timers = Latency dependent~ This helps putting Me~ In a frame of mind that: if lets say 43 Mins left? Then I may have finally received the correct information~ Because the closer to 50 mins left? Could show wrong details~ Whilst closer to 0? It's more likely to have been Completed by someone else


  • 1) non sei l'unico ad aver avuto difficoltà in questo

    2) ho cercato di fare il possibile per aiutare ed a mia volta ho ricevuto aiuto.

    Vai nel campo delle missioni prioritarie grigie.

    Devi prima finire la missione in caldeum.....cantine mostri uccidi tutti ma va fatta nella zona indicata dalla missione

  • CvX#957CvX#957 Member
    edited September 2023

    Thank You ghalbhar#3238 so much~ I'll add that to the Thread in just a moment

    EDIT: Hope I got the Translation correct

  • Quando l'ho dovuta fare io spesso dava 3 punti ripulendo nella piazza più grande (luogo dove c'è l'assalto).

    Le cantine sono il metodo più veloce, se trovi i mob.

    Ricordati che per questa volta solamente dovrebbe i favori vanno raccolti solo entro caldeum.

    Dimmi se hai ancora bisogno

  • CvX#957CvX#957 Member
    edited September 2023

    Thank You~ I made it through thanks to Your Advice~! 😎

    Now I'm exploring Nightmare & Having fun~ It's almost like: a New-Game+~ In some ways

    This feels Way better then Diablo 3's World Tier changes~ Or it could just be because it's Open-World: Kinda hard to tell~ Since They are 2 different Games because of it~ After all

  • Bene....mi fa piacere.

    Ti ho mandato un messaggio privato

  • CvX#957CvX#957 Member
    edited September 2023

    Awesome~ I'll add it to the Post~ Just need to verify some details~ To keep it short

    (Awesome! Having more People supporting These kinds of Threads)

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