Drop for legendary items is very, very bad

The drop for legendary items is very, very bad and when something drops it is always for sorcerers, could you please increase the drop rate and also add items for other classes? That would be very kind of you. ❤️
Little more information of Your state of gaming? Could help Us all
As to where Your aims Lie & what You expect to get Legendary Drops out of
As knowing were You're experiencing said issue to be located
For this I even made a Thread for You~ Take care & Happy hunting?
Il tasso secondo di drop secondo me è corretto, il problema riguarda i sacri leggendari.....
Leggendari normali se sai come fare si prendono.
Piuttosto, credo le armi rare siano eccessivamente potenti
I agree compared to current content They can be...
Piuttosto, che ne pensate di aprire un topic x gli scambi?
Ognuno potrebbe elencare i pezzi da scambiare