Game Guide Contest

Demiverse#9586Demiverse#9586 Administrator
edited August 2023 in News

Hello, Wanderers!

As the game development progresses, our community keeps growing. Recently we’ve updated the game client to version 1.1.0 and also released a major server update with another layer of content.

So, we’ve decided to offer each of you participation in our game guide contest. Your expert opinion of the game will not only help hundreds of future players, but can also bring a nice in-game bonus: periodically we will award «Cry of Ashava» mount trophy to our best guide authors.

Looks interesting, doesn't it? So let’s talk details:

  1. Your guide may cover any gameplay aspect of D4R: Character classes, modifier/stat system, quests, bounties, world and local events, etc. It is also fine to pick a more general topic, as in «how do you play best», «how to level up best», «what can you do in this game».
  2. Guide should be comprehensive and up-to-date with our latest game changes.
  3. One participant can submit as many guides as he or she wishes to.
  4. Framing your guide with illustrations or screenshots (to a reasonable extent) is mandatory.
  5. Formatting should be concise and coherent.
  6. We will create a special forum category for this contest, guides should be posted there.
  7. Your guide should not violate our forum behavior rules in any way.
  8. Contest has no set duration for now, you can apply whenever you feel like it.

We are eager to hear your take on D4R, maybe our developers will also learn something new about the game this way!


  • 👍️👍️👍️

  • Who cares about mount cosmetic if no1 else can see it??

    I bought 4 pvp mount cosmetics: 1 horse, 2 mounts and 1 trophy on pvp map and im the only one who can see it in-game

    Not worth my effort and time to get a cosmetic just for my eyes...

  • Demiverse#9586Demiverse#9586 Administrator

    Interesting. We will check and fix it, this should not be

  • Yes, its a bit frustrating when you spend hours and hours farming red dust to get the mount cosmetic and then you realise that players cant see it. Apart from that, i remember to report this on discord with a screenshot, some players know this bug cos me and AdnanK1224#6597 told to them when they join to voice channel.

    Also It is reported by AdnanK1224#6597 here:


    And also here:

  • Demiverse#9586Demiverse#9586 Administrator

    We found the reason, we will fix it in the next update

  • Ciao, se a qualcuno interessa, potrei inserire una guida per poter giocare con un joypad PS2 al gioco.

    Per altri controller esistono molte guide per il web ma se può essere d'aiuto posso mostrare il mio metodo

  • Aktualne dla patcha 0.4.1

    Zadania poboczne

    Ctrl+F do wyszukiwania określonego zadania

    Jeśli znalazłeś działające zadanie, napisz nazwę zadania po angielsku, miejsce, w którym można wykonać to zadanie i zaznacz "Działa"

    Prośba o pomoc - Praca

    Zadanie można podjąć - Karczma Pod Grubą Gęsią

    W pogoni za żarem - praca

    Zadanie można podjąć - Karczma Pod Grubą Gęsią

    Co ci dołęga - praca

    Zadanie można podjąć - Cerrigar

    Przekraczanie znaku - praca

    Zadanie można podjąć - Zarbinzet

    Przewodnik wideo: Przekroczenie znaku Diablo 4

    Chwyt spiralny - działa

    Zadanie można podjąć - Zarbinzet

    Uregulowanie karty - działa

    Zadanie można podjąć - Tirmair

    Poradnik wideo: Rozstrzygnięcie zadania Diablo 4

    Sygnały dymne — działają

    Zadanie można podjąć - Corbach

    Chwila kawałka - praca

    Zadanie można podjąć - Obozowisko Żelaznych Wilków

    Strażnicy Otchłani - Działają

    Zadanie można podjąć - Obozowisko Żelaznych Wilków

    P.S. Pasek postępu nie działa, zabijaj scelety, dopóki zadanie nie będzie kontynuowane.

    Potwór jest gdzieś w tym samym obszarze.

    Podnoszenie na duchu - praca

    Zadanie można podjąć - Kyovashad

    Krew bandytów - działa

    Zadanie można podjąć - Cerrigar


    Bandyci są rozproszeni nie dokładnie w znaczniku, biegają wokół znacznika. Postęp nie liczy się wizualnie.

    Zbłądziłem ze Ścieżki - Praca

    Zadanie można podjąć - Tarsarak

    Wzburzone wody — praca

    Zadanie można podjąć - Backwater

    Powstrzymywanie fali — praca

    Zadanie można podjąć - Marowen

    Postęp nie liczy się wizualnie. Misja się liczyła, ale nie od razu

    Szepty z dołu - działa

    Zadanie można podjąć - North Shore, południowy wschód od Maroven

    TBD / Rzeźnicy Północy - Praca

    Zadanie można podjąć - Kaplica Zakarum z Zarshala

  • shadow93#3507shadow93#3507 Member
    edited August 2023

    The quest can be taken - The Fat Goose Inn

    In pursuit of embers - work

    The quest can be taken - The Fat Goose Inn

    What's up with you - work

    Quest can be taken - Cerrigar

    Crossing the mark - work

    Quest can be taken - Zarbinzet

    Video Guide: Crossing the Diablo 4 Mark

    Spiral grip - works

    Settling the card - works

    The quest can be taken - Tirmair

    Video guide: Diablo 4 quest resolution

    Smoke signals - they work

    Quest can be taken - Corbach

    A moment of a piece - work

    The quest can be taken - Iron Wolves Encampment

    Abyss Guardians - They work

    The quest can be taken - Iron Wolves Encampment

    P.S. Progress bar doesn't work, kill scelets until the quest continues.

    The monster is somewhere in the same area.

    Uplifting - work

    Quest can be taken - Kyovashad

    Bandit blood - works

    Quest can be taken - Cerrigar


    The bandits are scattered not exactly in the marker, they run around the marker. Progress doesn't count visually.

    I have strayed from the Path - Work

    The quest can be taken - Tarsarak

    Troubled waters - work

    The quest can be taken - Backwater

    Breaking the wave - work

    Quest can be taken - Marowen

    Progress doesn't count visually. The mission mattered, but not right away

    Whispers from below - works

    The quest can be taken - North Shore, southeast of Maroven

    TBD / Butchers of the North - Work

    Quest can be taken - Zakarum Shrine from Zarshala

  • Clearer status list of side missions

  • Next update please! LOL! 😁

  • Traslate in english.....

    Someone Is interested to a tutorial for play with a PS2 controller?

    With others pad/controller Is more easy but with this i fight to find a solution.

  • This video will help alot people trough ACT I quests.

  • I have trouble with part 11 act 1...

    I can't bring the Idol from Sector two at three.

    This video Is in d4 reflection server?

    Maybe i must try to repair files....

    Someone has the same problem?

  • This video from reflection network excatly,look on video first i put idol on stone after this read from glyph beyon and pick up again idol from altar,look better in video.

  • It's really clean what do you do....i think it's my client has something that doesn't work

    However thank you

  • Solved......It was a Crazy glitch with the joypad.

    I report here of someone has the same trouble.....

    If you have action+primary skill Active, some items maybe can't interact.

    Solved with mouse.

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