Stuck repairing

stuck in repair loop
This is the torrent I downloaded
This is the message I get for the 4th time in a row
I'm sorry if it's an easy fix, I've tried navigating the forum here for help but could not find anything.
stuck in repair loop
This is the torrent I downloaded
This is the message I get for the 4th time in a row
I'm sorry if it's an easy fix, I've tried navigating the forum here for help but could not find anything.
The problem is hiding in the torrent that you downloaded. It's not our upload, we do not provide any support for these freeloads and this is an old client version (0.9). We are running on a newer version (1.1.0)
Download the actual and legit client through the launcher, or torrent:
Errors and possible solutions:
This is how i found D4reflection
Sorry for being the typical newb who did the obvious wrong thing
I did read the faq and errors but couldn't find what I did wrong, or how I did it wrong rather because I suspected the torrent was bad
I will try that and give it a go
PS, i did try to download straight from the loader, does that also not work? gave me the same error
The loader i got from here, not from the torrent
Thank you!
I cannot seem to link the launcher to the game
If i click download and select the location, it just downloads again
If I click "Set already installed game", browse to \D4R_ENRU\, choose the DIABLO V.EXE, does nothing
Tried with "STARTER.EXE" too, nothing. still says "game not install"
UPDATE : Torrent was causing issue I think, I closed it and it's now checking files , leaving this here in case my process can help anyone having the same issues
Why is mine repairing the whole game :'( re-downloading everything
I've had this issue a couple of times, and it was related to Memory. Whether it's to do with Virtual or the games Working-Set I'm not too sure.
I circumvent it by using a program called 'RamMap' to clear working sets for programs in memory. I tried increasing the page file size but that just resulted in the game constantly paging to disk, but after clearing Working-Sets it settles to around 5-6GB from 10-12GB, I've noticed after it reaches 12GB+ the game will crash with either the above error or a similar one stating "Diablo 4 has run out of memory" or just crash to desktop.
Also, on my machine if I check the process in Task Manager then right click & select 'Analyse Wait Chain' the process contains 'Deadlocked Threads', I noticed this in Blizzards 'Beta' as well.
For some reason even on moderate graphics settings (Game Defaults to Ultimate) the game immediately maxes out my 6GB VRAM & then proceeds to occupy a further 10-12GB of system memory.
Commonly after I get that error or a game crash then performing a check/repair the Launcher always re-downloads 7-12mb of data to repair 'data.089' & 'shmem' from the 'D4R_ENRU\Data\data' folder.