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- loliholic#6124
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Okay, i did some investigations. The only thing my provider is blocking is the russian propaganda TV RT DE and its homepage. But its not the same total block, people with free VPN, TOR or Proxy can still access it. So it looks like its more your ser…
If the game files are located on slow&old HDD OR external HDD/SSD (with usb connection) that may be the reason - Don't think that it's your case, but just for your interest. Nope, i tried to download it from scratch and placed it on my ssd next to w…
I checked everything and pinged/traced from multiple computers and modems. Not even my "gameboy" (133mhz win95, without any firewall or antivirus) was able to even find the game servers and as said before the same goes for my modem gui's as well. Si…
Okay, i cant attach anything, if i try to upload the picture i get "Request failed with status code 413" from the forum and if i try to use common bb code it turns the code into a link and dont works. So, here a link to the image hoster: https://i.i…
As said already, i downloaded everything from here. I fixed my files with a torrent from here and i downloaded the launcher from the download section on the main page, which should be the latest one. BUT neither the client nor the game itself has an…
Downloaded the new version after reading there is a new version. Didnt even know the launcher can update itself O_o
Then i understand it even less. I just tried to trace and ping the servers from the modem interface, same. So its absolutely not on my end, windows can be fucked, but the modem dont has enough settings to mess anything up...and i didnt change anythi…
Okay, now it gets strange...i tried proton free and hideme free, the last one with a 5 day trial full version. I tried every single server available and nothing changed...sure, the tracelog shows other IPs, but i still get the same 6 timeouts for th…
If i had any money to spend i would buy my games, but we run a non profit shelter. So except you know a free vpn stable enough to play online i cant do that.
That explains the difference, but not why i cant connrct to d4. I pay my provider to access the www not the wwwer (except russia). And if noone played with nukes it should still be there, so why cant i connect to it?
Okay, my english isnt the best, but is your keyboard broken?
No, you cant. For one i dont know how to record a game, then i dont have a cam to record my screen and lastly its also kinda useless to make a video of something that doesnt do anything...but you can have a pic: https://i.postimg.cc/mrB2b31c/act5.pn…
Well, the barbarian had to fight with server problems, so i solved act2 and 3 before act1. It worked without problems, until i got a black screen when entering the horadric vault. Since then the vault is not accessible again. However, the other 4 ar…
Ran into a dead end in act5. I should talk to neyrelle (solved the snake dungeon, got the stuff, should bring it to some altar with her and lorath) but they just stand there at the bottom of the whispering tree area. I cant interact with them and th…
You could activate them and read the text. I dont know the english names of the quests, but the act1 questlines starts in the kyovashad cathedral, then you get sent to the outpost on the right side of the map in this area. Act3 questline starts in …
Btw, can you please post it here when you start your maintenance work? It would be nice to KNOW its impossible to play right now instead of getting the reasons after it works again ^^
All currently unimplemented side quests were temporarily disabled and removed for all players. We will gradually add those quests back to the game as they are implemented. Thank you very much for this! Biggest improvement besides the black screen fi…
Try it tomorrow...the server is pretty fucked since a few hours. Maybe they are fixing some of the latest updates bugs or something. Dunno, but believe me, its better not to be able to connect then getting kicked from the server when you are about t…
Depends on your software. And if you have disabled windows defender or still run it. In general, allow the client and diablo to use your internet in every software that blocks it. If your router is the problem you need to set an exception rule for t…
Since you post here your internet seems to work. Since there are not 100 identical topic about this problem here the server also seems to work. Means your firewall, router or ISP blocked the server and dont lets you connect to it. Fix this and it sh…
The druids animals are permanent followers with active attack skills...so why do they need to waste space in the very limited quicklaunch bar to exist? No matter how you play it, be it as elementary mage, bear or wolf you need space for your spells/…
Just had the same problem in act2 (fell from map during the cutscene of liliths sign in the empty soul gem chamber) The good thing is: This quest dont resets if you fast travel out and the next step (meet in the main room) can be done directly witho…
Delete the files in the main folder incl the diablo iv.exe and recheck again, then it should fix the full thing.
Nope, act2 worked without problems. Its act1 after the horadrim archive in the dungeon under the mine.
I play with german text so i dont know the english name of the quest. After temporary resurrecting the mother she completes the ritual to summon the bridge. Then you need to destroy some tumors to go further down to rathmas tomb. Then there are 2 bu…
So the game devs messed it up? Okay, at least i know it now, thx. I still prefer to unlock waypoints and find the shrines before i care about the story...bad devs, shame on them...first they claim to invent an better open world and then you still ne…
Looks like something went wrong, i cant pick up obulus anymore. Neither from corrupted grounds nor from the siphon things or from the tree boxes. Btw, is it intendet for the tree waypoint to not be on the map even after unlocking it? I wanted to as…
Disable anti virus software, firewall and other ip blockers and allow it in windows' firewall... I still dont know how you managed to get a battle.net error if you use the launcher that redirects diablo to the reflection server instead of battle.net…
You need to start it from the reflection launcher.